One of the most important things in friendship is honesty. There are people who do not want to be honest since they are afraid of hurting their friend's feelings. However, it is a true friendship if there is no honesty involved? maybe there are friendships that work that way, but with less confidence, since if trust would be present the relation between the friends would be different and they would not have any problem in telling each other what their real thoughts are.
On the other hand, people can also consider difficult being honest with themeselves. If they lie to themeselves, in a way, they are pretending to be a person that they are not. Moreover, if you are honest with yourself you can determinate the real person that you are and not a fake one. Besides, when people meet for the first time they tend to want to cause a good impression, so they lie and describe themselves as people that are completely different with who they really are. For that reason, it is very important to always face with thruth and honesty, in that way you will probably be a better person.
To conclude, facing life with honesty instead of lies will make your life easier, cheerfully and better than liying to anyone else or even yourself.