Jhon was my best friend, he was a lovely person. We were on a trip in London, we went to "the Big Ben" when Jhon recieved a call, It was the doctor that wanted to say to him that his mother was very ill, when he listened to the doctor he wanted to come back again to Argentina to vist his mother. I told him that were missing two days to return home, so it didnt have sense to return that day, but Jhon didnt care about that, so we returned to the hotel, we prepared all our things and when we finally finished we went to the street to call a taxi. When the taxi came, I remembered that I left my bag in the room. Jhon was in a hurry, so I told him that is was not necessary to wait for me, so we agreed to get together at the airport.
One hour later I was at the airport, I looked for him but I didnt find him, I asked to a police man if he see Jhon, the police man told me that he dont see him. I continued looking for him, but finally I didnt find him. The day on the hotel was the last time I saw him.